Tuesday, May 27, 2014

There is something so interesting about clicking on the "New Post" button.  It is something equally delighting and intimidating.

Once upon a time (read: up until approximately two years ago) I wrote constantly.  I kept a diary from around grade nine until about 2012.  Since then I've made a few half-hearted attempts to pick it up again, but have yet to be successful.  During high school and throughout university I was dedicated livejournal user.  I'd write several times a week, usually about my life, and not much in the way of what you might call creative writing.  Then, in 2010 when I went off the deep end about aviation, I began to write Always Looking Above, my other blog.  I was relatively dedicated to this, and was happy to see the response.  This, however, fell to the side, as my other creative outlets did.  I'm not entirely sure what happened, and why I stopped writing, drawing, even playing my piano.  I just let it all slide somehow, and it has been a struggle ever since to pick it all back up, a thought which I must admit makes me feel sad.

I have thought often of things that would make a good post on Always Looking Above, but that blog has been neglected for so long now that I feel it wouldn't be quite right to just barge back in and start writing all over it again.  Instead, I feel the need to stretch my writing muscles elsewhere.  I've got plenty to say, and lots of non-aviation related topics I would love to write about, and that's why this blog now exists.

I've also been working on a novel, although have been rather stalled lately.  The plot is based on a nightmare I had many years ago and has always stuck with me as "that nightmare that will make a brilliant novel whenever I write it!"  I began work on it as a part of NaNoWriMo last year, and made some excellent progress.  However since I have yet to figure out exactly how to do away with the demon that terrorizes my poor protagonist, I haven't been able to write much.  I've reached the point where I really need to start heading towards that point, and if I don't know where that point is, how can I go on?  I can't seem to write blindly.  Hopefully I will work that out soon and get back to making headway!

Anyway, that's why I am here and writing at this new blog instead of Always Looking Above.  Feel free to check out my profile if you feel so inclined to read my backstory and all of my aviation obsessive posts from 2010-2012.  Perhaps there will be more there soon!  Here's hoping.  In the mean time I plan to start work on some of the many thoughts buzzing around in my mind just begging to be put into words.

Wish me luck!